Page 4 - 2019년 11월 라이온지
P. 4
nd झ ࠳ܻೝ
KOREAN Edition
Official publication of Lions Clubs International. Published by
authority of the Board of Directors in 20 languages – English,
Spanish, Japanese, french, Swedish, Italian, German, Finnish,
Korean, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Chinese, Norwegian, Icelandic, Turkish,
Greek, Hindi, Indonesian and Thai.
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President Gudrun Yngvadottir, Iceland; Immediate Past President Naresh
Aggarwal, India; First Vice President Dr. Jung-Yul Choi, Korea; Second
Vice President Judge Haynes H. Townsend, United States; Third Vice
President Brian E. Sheehan, United States.
Doo-HoonAhn, South Korea; Sandro Castellana, Italy; Hastings E.
Chiti, Zambia; William Galligani, France; Thomas Gordon, Canada;
Nicol?s Jara Orellana, Ecuador ArdieKlemish, United States; Alice
Chitning Lau, China; Connie LeCleir-Meyer, United States; Virinder
Kumar Luthra, India; Dr. Datuk K. Nagaratnam, Malaysia; Don Noland,
United States; Regina Risken, Germany; Yoshio Satoh, Japan;
Patricia Vannet, United States; Gwen White, United States; Nicolas
Xinopoulos, United States.
Muhammad Adrees, Pakistan; Qazi Akram Uddin Ahmed, Bangladesh;
ShoichiAnzawa, Japan; Billy J. (B.J.) Blankenship, United States;
Gary F. Brown, United States; Rodolfo Espinal, Dominican Republic;
Ҵઁۄৡझഈഥ ҕध ݽ߄ੌ জ Liao-Chuan Huang, MD 300 Taiwan; Jongseok Kim, Korea; Dr.
Nawal JugalkishorMalu, India; Geoffrey Leeder, England; Mark S.
r.Z-JPOs द Lyon, United States; HeimoPotinkara, Finland; JP Singh, India; Steve
Thornton, United States; JuswanTjoe, Indonesia; A. Geoffrey Wade,
֙ ਘ ੌ Ҵઁۄৡझഈഥ ҕध ݽ߄ੌ জ United States; Dr. Walter Zemrosser, Austria.
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